Thursday, January 23, 2014


Feeding: They feed in many ways. From predation, absorbing dissolved organic chemicals, filtering food particles out of the water, and obtaining nutrients from symbiotic algae. 

Respiration: They have no respiratory organs but they have a digestive cavity which holds water that regularly need to be changed once it becomes stale. They use their ciliated grooves on their tentacles to pump water out of the digestive cavity without opening its mouth, which controls the water pressure without expelling undigested food.

Circulation: Do not have circulatory system but use a process called Diffusion instead which allows cells to push nutrients thought the body themselves instead of using arteries like us.  

Excretion: Cnidaria only have one opening in their bodies which means they poop and eat all in one place...ew. Some waste is actually turned into gas and released with the process I named earlier, Diffusion. 

Response: They have a nervous system called Nerve Net System which means that their cells are further spread apart and they respond to touch. So, watch out!

Movement: They have very weak muscles so they tend to move with the water current. If necessary, they push water from their "mushroom tops" so they can propel the direction they want to go. 

Reproduction: Can produce sexually and asexually. The male releases the sperm and hopes it swims to reach the female eggs. 

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