Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Interesting Arthropod

The interesting arthropod I chose is called a Giraffe-Necked Weevil (Trachelophorus giraffa) which is from the island of Madagascar. They were discovered in 2008. The first feature that they have that is incredibly visible, is their long neck. The males, which have necks 3 times longer than the females, use it to fight other males. They have a distinctive red shell covering the wings. They are also herbivores. The women Giraffe Weevils referee the men fighting, and she reproduces with the victor. Once they do the deed, the woman uses her long legs and literally bends a leaf in half. Then she proceeds to roll the leaf and lay a single egg inside of it. Once the egg is appropriately cocooned, she snips the stem of the leaf so the egg drops to the ground where it can then begin to hatch. These interesting guys are generally safe with humans. They are quite rare in the fact that we didn't know they existed until recently.

Here it shows the woman neck vs the male neck size.
Here are the "egg cocoons" made by the mother from leaves.