Monday, October 28, 2013

Play dough cell

For the first shapes and arrangements photo:
A: staphlococcus
B: coccus
C: streptobacillus 
D: bacillus 
E: spirillum
The labeled cell photo: 
A: endospore - Used for survival in harsh conditions 
B: genetic material - Basically the DNA clumped up in a part of the cytoplasm
C: plasmid - Made of DNA
D: ribosomes - Where protein synthesis occurs
E: cytoplasm - Holds everything up in the cell
F: flagellum - Used for movement 
G: capsule- Used for protection of the cell. Extra defense before the cell wall. 
H: cell wall - Also used for protection. 
I: pili - Exchange of genetic material (via. conjugation)

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