Monday, October 28, 2013

Goldfishes turn white?

My interesting fact today is that goldfishes turn white in the dark.

As goldfish owners might have noticed, your goldfish turns white sometimes. You may ask why in the world is this happening? I learned that goldfish change color in response to light levels. Just like many other animals, they have pigment production which is the same thing as us getting a sun tan. The fishes have cells called chromatophores that produce these pigments and either give coloration or reflect the light. Goldfishes that are kept indoors are much lighter than goldfishes who are exposed to sunlight.If you keep the fish in the dark all the time, the chromatophores wont produce any more pigments so the fishes color will start to fade. This causes those chromatophores who have the natural color, to die and the new cells won't be stimulated enough to form the new pigment. So, to sum this up short and sweet, just like us losing a tan in the winter time, goldfishes get much paler, or a whitish color when they are not exposed to light.

1 comment:

  1. They should be called 'Michael Jackson Fish'
