Sunday, October 13, 2013

Part 1 Virus

1) A virus particle is a nucleic acid (DNA, RNA) and is enclosed in a protein shell/coat

2) Viruses can have a double-stranded DNA, double-stranded RNA, single-stranded DNA, or a single-stranded RNA. These are only found in particular viruses. They are also covered in a protein coat so they are not exposed.

3) (pictures at bottom of post)

4) Tobacco Mosaic Virus- infects tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and tobacco

5) This is a hard topic because the question if a virus is living or nonliving can go either way. Even though there are some great facts on the fact that a virus is nonliving, I think that a virus is a bit more towards the living side because it contains DNA or RNA genetic material. Not only that but they can reproduce ( with the help of a host) which also means they can mutate. In addition, they are made of proteins.

6) Yes there are some beneficial viruses. For example, there are viruses that kills bacteria. ex. phage

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